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“I want to say – with my entire heart, thank you. Your videos have validated my productivity rhythms and helped me to release the shame I had around not doing productivity “right.” — La Miskey D.

“I recently bought the book “Productivity For INFPs.” Amanda speaks directly to your core and your struggles as an INFP. I felt deeply seen and supported by having practical and simple action steps. Thank you, Amanda!” — Gil

“I liked your tips on the INFP to-do list… Picking 2-3 must-dos for the day, fixing them in time blocks & flowing between the smaller things in-between, based on energy levels. It’s been very useful.” — An INFP

“I also very much appreciate your “P” presence in what does feel like a loud “J” field. Keep rocking it, Amanda!!! And thanks for supporting and encouraging us fellow P’s!” — Emily P.

“I have been following your work and I am blown away by how effectively you are able to decode and translate theories on productivity and mindfulness into the world of INFPs. It can be difficult for us INFPs to understand and apply conventional theories, as they don’t always fit into our context. Your work has been instrumental in helping me understand how to apply these concepts in a way that works for me.” — Esad K.

“What I like about you is that you use the intuitive/feeling side. I always got things done that way. But everyone around me tells me it’s wrong. It’s so relieving to learn that there is actually someone who just goes by her feelings and can actually finish projects.” — Diana