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The Best Way For INFPs To Overcome Self-Doubt

It’s no secret that INFP personality types struggle with self-doubt. But there is one thing that INFPs can do to overcome their self-doubt once and for all.

In order to do that, you’ll want to reframe your experience into what I’ll call “your normal.” And your normal actually consists of a constant presence of self-doubt.

So the good news about that is having self-doubt and having it frequently is not necessarily a bad thing. INFPs are explorer types. We’re seekers, and that means that we’re always questioning and experimenting.

We’re creative. We’re playing and exploring while engaging our creativity. And all of these activities, because we’re always trying to expand into new territory, all of these things require self-doubt for us to keep moving forward.

So, instead of seeing this as some huge problem you’re experiencing, if you can come to see it as a part of what you do and how you actually reach clarity, you can be a lot more comfortable with it.

I think the big problem that INFPs have with self-doubt is when it feels really, really large and overwhelming to the point of being debilitating. That has to do with how we’re oriented towards the world.

Our dominant cognitive function is introverted feeling. Because it’s an inward focus, it can make our emotional states get very, very large, very, very quickly. This is really why doubt becomes a problem for INFPs: It seems huge to you, and it seems insurmountable.

Doubt is actually not that big of a problem. It’s just a part of our process. It’s a part of the way that we actually explore our world and reach conclusions and clarity.

The best way to overcome your self-doubt is to just let it be there. You don’t have to push it away. You don’t have to shove it in the closet or sweep it under the rug or anything like that. You can just let it be there with you and see it as a crucial part of your process.

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Amanda Linehan is the author of Productivity For INFPs. She is an independent author, coach, and INFP, who has published six full-length books and has been read in 113 countries. Amanda was a speaker at the INF Summit in February 2020. Learn more about her Productivity For INFPs Online Course on the course page.

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