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The Biggest Mistake INFPs Make With Self-Doubt

With so much doubt, it’s no wonder that INFPs would love to push a magic button and suddenly have the clarity they desire. Clarity is possible, but first, you’ll need to stop making this common mistake when it comes to self-doubt.

This is a really easy one. The biggest mistake that INFPs make with self-doubt is thinking that they have to get rid of it.

It’s easy to think that because self-doubt can be really uncomfortable and debilitating if you’re not careful. That’s what we’re trying to avoid.

I do want to make the distinction that there is a line between a normal or optimal level of self-doubt and the type of self-doubt that just brings you to a halt.

On one of my recent self-doubt videos that I uploaded to YouTube, someone left a comment about self-doubt making you miss opportunities, maybe over and over again. I thought that was a good point to bring up because that can be the type and intensity level of self-doubt that can be harmful.

But what I’m talking about here are the normal levels that you experience on a day-to-day basis. Your self-doubt can really be positive for you because doubt makes you question, and it can actually lead you to greater clarity on how you feel and think about something.

It can lead you to what you find important, what you value. When you’re always questioning things, when you’re on your path moving forward, and you have these moments where you doubt yourself, it allows you to dig into that thing and really get more clarity.

The last thing I want to mention here is that self-doubt can even be a source of joy for us because it’s that exploration and experimentation that we like to do. Really, there can be a playfulness to questioning yourself and then running into something where you have a temporary period of doubt.

Of course, the ideal there is then to get over it and move forward. But again, some level of doubt will always be there. You don’t need to make the mistake of thinking that you have to get rid of it. You just want to be careful with it when it crosses a line and it really does become debilitating.

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Amanda Linehan is the author of Productivity For INFPs. She is an independent author, coach, and INFP, who has published six full-length books and has been read in 113 countries. Amanda was a speaker at the INF Summit in February 2020. Learn more about her Productivity For INFPs Online Course on the course page.

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