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Learn To Love Rainy Days

Here in the Mid-Atlantic we have been having a slow start to Spring.  April was mostly chilly, rainy and cloudy with a few days here and there of sunshine and warmth.  May is starting out much the same way.  I have been waiting for a Spring that seems to be taking its sweet time in getting here, and feeling impatient over rainy weather.

After a cold, slushy Winter, I am always more than ready for some heat.  Think of the first day of the year when you can walk outside comfortably in short sleeves, and the sun is strong in the sky.  There is no feeling like it.  A weight is lifted off of you as you imagine the pleasant weather to come in months ahead.  Your stressful situations don’t seem that bad all of the sudden and all you want to do is sit around outside in the sunshine.

So when the rain comes where the sun should be, you get to feeling a little down.  Rainy days just don’t seem as good.  Gray, cool, misty, wet – and that’s not what you wanted.  It’s no wonder we can all feel a little depressed when the sun has decided to take a day off.

But as you are thinking about all the things you didn’t get, you are missing out on the things you did.  Rainy days don’t have the same pleasure as sunny days, they have their own.

Rainy days may not be vibrant, but they do provide a sense of calm and rest.  Don’t rainy days make you want to slow down?  A period of rest is important, and we even need a break from beautiful weather sometimes.

Also, as I walk around outside, I can’t help but notice how green everything is.  With Spring well underway (even if it doesn’t know it!), the trees have their leaves back and most everything is in full bloom.  Honestly, I would really like to enjoy these things in the sunshine, but I can’t deny that it’s the rain that has made them lush and vibrant.

If you are always comparing rainy days to sunny days you are going to be really disappointed.  But if you can see the gifts that rainy days bring you can enjoy both for what they are.

The next time it rains when what you really wanted was sun, go out and get wet, you just might enjoy it.

What do you think about rainy days?  Can you learn to love them?  Or maybe you already have!  Feel free to share your ideas in the comments.

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  1. For the first time in a while the other day, I was thankful for a rainy day. It let me sit comfortably indoors, and get on with the things I wouldn’t want to do if it was sunny. Not to mention the fact that the rain looked beautiful against the window.

    Penny’s last blog post..First Blogoversary – An Audio Post

  2. Amanda Linehan Amanda Linehan

    Hi Positively Present – Yes! I read your post and liked the tips you provided. It got me thinking so I wrote, sort of, the opposite perspective. If you can’t beat the rainy day – join it!

    Hi Penny – Thanks for your comment! Yeah, we do tend to do things while it rains that we otherwise might not do. Resting, for one… 🙂

    Hi Tess – Mmmm, I also love making soup and it does seem especially appropriate when it’s rainy!

  3. Rainy days are a part of life, yes? So we may as well make the best of them. I love driving in a gentle rain, for instance. And wherever I am, desk or home, lit candles brighten up the atmosphere.

    If home, rainy days are perfect for curling up with a sketch pad or a good book, and then taking a nap.

  4. Hi

    I must admit that I battle terribly with overcast weather. Perhaps it is because here in Johannesburg we have wonderful sunny skies pretty much throughout the year. Our rain tends to come in intense showers (during summer) at around 4pm. Hectic downpoar for half and hour or so and then out pops the sun.
    No offense to anyone from the UK, but I could never live in England with all the clouds.


    LifeMadeGreat – Juliet’s last blog post..Coping With Praise

  5. Amanda Linehan Amanda Linehan

    Hi Karen – That’s right, in life we get sun and we get rain. But we don’t want to miss out on the rain just because it’s not the same as the sun. The rain is perfect for a lot of activities that we wouldn’t think to do when it’s sunny.

    Hi Juliet – Enjoy your sunny skies – that sounds excellent. 🙂

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