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Resources For INFPs

December 28, 2022: Hey there! I’m no longer updating this page, but if you’re interested in resources, news, and tips for INFPs, join the For INFPs newsletter, and you’ll find some great resources there.

Sign up here (You’ll also get my free Productivity For INFPs Mini-Course.): For INFPs Newsletter.

Way back in 2009, I wrote an article on why it’s great to be INFP. And then a little while later I wrote one on INFP relationships.  This was a companion to both of those articles, and since then I’ve written a few other INFP posts.  So here is a list of helpful and (mostly) active INFP resources. (Oh, and they are in no particular order.)


The INF Club–“A place to help INFPs and INFJs grow.” The INF Club is written by Jas, INFP, and is, well, basically a space for INFPs and INFJs (we really have a lot of similarities). Through personal stories, Jas really gets to the heart of the challenges and struggles of us INFs and also explores our strengths and abilities. Toxic surroundings is one of the posts I’ve enjoyed most recently.

Walking Through Transitions–“Understanding your sensitive self.” INFP blogger, Ritu, has created a space for sensitive creatives. Combining interviews, personal stories and explorations of concepts relevant to those of us who are intuitive, empathic and creative, I think you will find this blog both useful and a great place to come back to yourself when you need that break from the world. A recent post I really enjoyed was Are INFPs and INFJs the most Extroverted Introverts?

Lauren Sapala – Lauren is an INFJ writer and a writing coach and her website is filled with great advice and resources for INFJ and INFP writers. If you are a writer and especially if you are having any difficulties in your writing, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE head over to Lauren’s website and start reading. She has an excellent way of identifying and discussing writing issues that really apply to INFs–and they tend to be unique problems. This post–The Two Biggest Problems INFP Writers Face With The Creative Process–is a great place to start.

INFP Blog–“Thoughts on the INFP Personality Type from an INFP” INFP blog is only updated occasionally at this point, but it’s been around a long time (goes all the way back to April 2009) and was one of my early favorites.

The Ultimate Career Guide For INFPs–Evan at Join The Island has written a REALLY thorough post on good career choices for INFPs (and some not-so-good ones too). Hop on over and take a look through this post to see if it jogs some good career ideas for you. Some of the choices are a little counter-intuitive, which I like.


The INFJ Revolution: Reclaim Your Power, Live Your Purpose, Heal the World by Lauren Sapala–INFPs and INFJs have a lot in common (I mean, we do share 3 letters), which is why I’m recommending this book as a resource to INFPs too. INFP/Js have a lot of unique qualities–though we don’t always see them that way–we tend to see them as making a whole lot of trouble for us. In the INFJ Revolution, Lauren discusses the ways that INFP/Js contribute to the world and shows us how to value what we bring to the table. Highly recommended reading for INFPs who are struggling with seeing their own value.

The INFJ Writer by Lauren Sapala – Not only for INFJs, but for all NFs who are writers. INFP writers will get a lot out of this book. Check out my post here on why I highly recommend it.


INFP Forum at Personality Cafe – Have a question about being INFP?  Or want to know if something you do is very typical for INFPs?  Then stop by this forum.  From the mundane to the poignant, all of your INFP questions and discussions go on here.

INFP Meetups – I was actually a member of a local meetup group called the “Social Introverts” for a while and thought it worked out pretty well. The group has disbanded since but you may have some luck finding a similar type group near you.

***Check out my latest release, Productivity For INFPs, now. Available at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes&, Google Play, Kobo and more.

Published inINFP


  1. Thank you for including my blog in your list. I’m incredibly flattered that you find it useful enough to recommend to your readers.

    I would highly recommend Personality Cafe. The posts in that forum range on through so many things and I find it a good source to get ideas for topics for my posts.

    One of the recent posts was fascinating where an INFP in his 50s married to an INTJ for 23 years is having difficulty because of constant friction and personality clashes with his wife.

    I lurk in the forums everyday. Occasionally I post a comment but I’m still doing the INFP wait-and-see thing before I participate.

    P.S. – For Positively Present, Personality Cafe has an entire forum for INTJs.

  2. Amanda,
    What a wonderful list! I’m bookmarking this…since it fits me so well. Thank you so much for putting this together!

  3. Amanda Linehan Amanda Linehan

    Hi Dani – Looks like Corin (comment below yours) knows of a place!

    Hi Corin – I think your blog is a great place for INFPs to visit and comment. I’m actually surprised that there are not more blogs dedicated to INFPs. Seems like an INFP thing to do. 🙂

    Hi Leah – Glad you like it!

    Hi Trish – Yes, I’ve found lots of INFP stuff on Twitter. The amount is surprising really!

    Hi Lance – You’re welcome and glad you like it!

  4. Juju Juju

    Hi Amanda. Thank you for this list. I have it bookmarked.

    I also recommend because you can actually learn about the INFP type and also others as well.

    You should add your blog in their resources section to get more views of your blog…

    • Amanda Linehan Amanda Linehan

      Hi Juju – Glad you found the post to be useful. Thanks for the recommendation on Personality Cafe. I have visited but haven’t posted there. I used to visit the “global chatter” INFP forums and enjoyed it. Since it is no more, I will check out Personality Cafe.

  5. I definitely echo Corin’s recommendation of Personality Cafe. It’s a very active forum. People write and respond all day long. Totally awesome.

    I also echo Isao’s recommendation of it gives you the percentages of each function(ie Intravert 80%, Extravert 20%).

    Lastly, I created a site called INFP Careers at since we INFPs seem to have trouble liking our careers. I hope it will be helpgul to your readers.

  6. The thought of an INFP meetup made me laugh out loud. That’ll be one quiet party, don’t you think? Or is everyone just content sitting in silence with others contemplating the world?

    Thanks for the list, some new places in there! I just recently realized that looking out other INFP’s might help me to find people who ‘get’ me a little better than normal. 🙂

  7. Eva Eva

    Hi Amanda, you have a great resource here for INFPs and those who want to learn about INFPs!

    As an INTJ, I actually even find myself relating to some of what you write – for instance, I love your advice to use humor to diffuse the tension we may create with our strangeness. I think as Fi users we are really well served by using humor in the situations where Fe fails us. It’s kind of like saying to the other person, “I may not respect convention enough to have avoided drawing you into this awkward situation in the first place, but now that we’re here, I respect you as a person enough to help you feel better about it!”

    Anyway, I actually write to ask you to please allow me to direct your attention to my site which provides an additional resource about INFPs that I know there are INFPs out there who appreciate. (We received one of our first donations the other day from an INFP who donated $10!)

    If you don’t care for the site, that’s fine of course, and in that case I apologize for basically being full of myself. I am posting this only because I think odds are good you won’t mind and perhaps even will want to link to the site.


    • Amanda Linehan Amanda Linehan

      Hi Eva – I took a glance at your site and think it’s interesting and fun! Thanks for passing it along and I’d be happy to link to it here. I’ll update the post within a week or so.

    • Amanda Linehan Amanda Linehan

      Hi John – Yeah, I do. I think that page is helpful. I’ll add it to the post sometime in the next week or so.

  8. DeAnna DeAnna

    Amanda, thank you so very much for putting together this list of resources, and for all your other interesting and inspiring articles. You make me proud to be another INFP!

  9. Gardner Gardner

    Hey there, the first thing that struck me about this page is that the photo you used shows a young seedling with it’s top stem broken i.e. it will die. Was that some sort of metaphor or an non-gardener mistake? Everything dies, sure, but as an INFP myself, are you suggesting we are all/should be/must be particularly melancholic or something?

  10. Amanda Linehan Amanda Linehan

    Hi Gardner – Thanks for pointing that out. No, it’s definitely a non-gardener mistake, no hidden metaphors or anything. 😉 When I first looked at this I just saw a seedling, but upon closer inspection I do see the stem is broken. Just a mistake. 🙂

  11. Williamagob Williamagob

    Major thanks for the forum topic.Much thanks again. Will read on…

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